Anna Bischof / Zuzana Jürgens (Hg.)

Voices of Freedom – Western Interference?
60 Years of Radio Free Europe

Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum, Bd. 130
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2015, XII u. 294 S., geb.
Ladenpreis € 50,00
ISBN 978-3-525-37310-1

Inhaltsverzeichnis Blick ins Buch Bestellung beim Verlag

Über das Buch

International radio broadcasters took on a centrally important role during the Cold War. Founded at the beginning of the 1950s, Radio Free Europe (RFE) was to become both a political instrument for influencing public opinion and one of the few alternative sources of information for many people living to the east of the Iron Curtain. The contributions in this publication illustrate the political, social, and cultural context within which RFE operated at the time; they explore the journalistic practices used in RFE; and they analyze the content of the broadcasts and the responses of RFE’s listeners.

Die Autorinnen

  • Anna Bischof is a researcher at Collegium Carolinum and doctoral candidate at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich.
  • Zuzana Jürgens is an assistant lecturer at the Institute for Slavic Philology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich and a member of staff at the Adalbert Stifter Association. Until January 2014, she was Director of the Czech Center in Munich.
