­Bohemia. Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kultur der böhmischen Länder

A Journal of History and Civilisation in East Central Europe

“Bohemia” is unique in western Europe in terms of the topics in which it specializes. An internationally recognized and peer-refereed journal, publishing two issues per year, it presents the latest research on the history and culture of the Bohemian countries, Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, setting its subject matter within the broader context of East Central Europe. In addition to the more extensive studies it deals with, it also publishes literary studies and research papers, conference reports and reviews. Each issue contains summaries of the essays published in its pages in the English, French and Czech languages.

Publishers and Editorial Staff

The publishers of Bohemia include:

The publishers are assisted by an international editorial advisory committee. Members of this committee are: Christoph Boyer (Salzburg), Peter Bugge (Aarhus), Gary B. Cohen (Minneapolis, MN), Mark Cornwall (Southampton), Miloš Havelka (Prag), Steffen Höhne (Weimar), Elena Mannová (Bratislava) und Jiří Pešek (Prag).

Bohemia has access to a large international and interdisciplinary network of experts, whose membership is renewed and extended on an ongoing basis.

The editorial quality of the publication is guaranteed by:

Notes for authors

Notes on essays:

We request authors to send all manuscripts for proposed articles as e-mail attachments to the Editorial staff’s e-mail address. We accept only previously unpublished works for consideration. We accept manuscript proposals in German, English, Czech and Slovak, and may consider contributions in other languages by arrangement. The manuscripts are first subjected to an internal review by the editors, a process followed by an external review using a double-blind assessment procedure.

Please do as little formatting as possible on your text and avoid using templates. We request authors to provide full information on their sources and references to the literature, adhering to the following structure:

  • Proof of sources:
    Name of archive, along with any abbreviation of that name, along with a translation where appropriate: e.g. Státní oblastní archiv v Praze (State Regional Archive in Prague, hereinafter SOA Praha), holding (collection, box number), title or short description of the source, date.
  • Independent publications:
    When citing a publication for the first time:
    Balcar, Jaromír/Kučera, Jaroslav: Von der Rüstkammer des Reiches zum Maschinenwerk des Sozialismus. Wirtschaftslenkung in Böhmen und Mähren 1938 bis 1953. München 2013 (Veröffentlichungen des Collegium Carolinum 128) 117-120.
    Bei weiteren Nennungen Kurztitel:
    Balcar/Kučera: Von der Rüstkammer des Reiches 117-120.
  • Non-autonomous publications:
    In anthologies:
    Řezníková, Lenka: Identia/alterita [Identität/Alterität]. In: Storchová, Lucie u.a.: Koncept a dějiny. Proměny pojmů v současné historické věd? [Konzept und Geschichte. Veränderungen von Begriffen in der gegenwärtigen historischen Wissenschaft]. Praha 2014, 233-243.
    In journals:
    Pittaway, Mark: The Social Limits of State. Time, the Industrial Wage Relation and Social Identity in Stalinist Hungary. In: Journal of Historical Sociology 12 (1999) No. 2, 271-301.
    Articles in daily newspapers:
    Kahlweit, Cathrin: Fast wie Kameraden. In: Süddeutsche Zeitung vom 15.01.2014, 13.
  • References to sources and literature taken from the Internet:
    Entries should follow the pattern used for printed texts, adding the URL with the date of the author’s last access (“last accessed on 01/01/2014”).
  • Illustrations:
    Articles may include illustrations. We generally print images in black & white. We assume that you have already dealt appropriately with intellectual property right issues in relation to the publication of such images (both in print and online).
  • Rights:
    Articles in Bohemia are first published in the print version of the journal; they then also become available free of charge in an open access version of the journal after two years. The text may only be further published at any other location only after this period has expired and only in consultation with the editors. In such cases we will always request that a reference be present informing the reader that the text was first published in Bohemia.


Notes on reviews:

The editorial team regularly commission reviews. We are happy to organize the necessary review copies. Suggestions on possible reviews are always welcome.
In the header of your review please provide comprehensive information following this pattern:

  • Raßloff, Ute (Hg.): Wellenschläge. Kulturelle Interferenzen im östlichen Mitteleuropa des langen 20. Jahrhunderts.Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2013. 460 S., 13 Farbtafeln und 9 Abb. (Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa 41), ISBN 978-3-515-09843-4.


By agreeing to publish an article in Bohemia, the authors also agree to its publication in Bohemia-online: Articles become available free of charge under an open access regime two years after their publication of the print version of Bohemia. Reports on conference proceedings and reviews will appear online simultaneously with the publication of the print version. Bohemia reviews are also published on recensio.net.
If you would like to offer us a manuscript or have questions in relation to our policies on publishing texts, please contact the editorial team.


Obtaining the journal

Bohemia, which was founded in 1960 as an annual publication, is published by Collegium Carolinum (München). It has been appearing twice a year since 1980.


Collegium Carolinum e. V.
Hochstr. 8
81669 München


The single issue costs € 35, the annual subscription € 53 (plus postage and packing).

You can obtain the print versions of the issues from 1960 to 2012 inclusive from Collegium Carolinum.

You can obtain issues from Year 53 (2013) onwards at bookstores or from Südost Service GmbH.


Bohemia-online is a joint project of Collegium Carolinum together with the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (Bavarian State Library) realized with the support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Association).

The Bohemia-online website provides access free of charge to all issues of the Bohemia journal from 1960 on. They can be accessed, downloaded and printed out by running either a full text search or a differentiated search. Some sections of each new volume of the journal also appear on the website at the same time as the new print issue is published while others are made available after a time lag. The journal’s articles are subject to a “moving wall” of 24 months, while all other sections appear on the Bohemia-online website simultaneously with the print edition.

The goal of Bohemia-online is to make research in Bohemian studies available openly and free of charge to the public and thus to facilitate more intensive exchange both within the specialist research community and across various specialist fields of study. Our project partners ensure both the highest possible quality in the research and dependable long-term storage. We hope to make a contribution to the success of the open access ideal through this activity.

The institute’s journal, Bohemia, is also available online – though the articles published in the print edition are made available only after a delay of two years.