Post-graduate papers

Post-graduate papers

Editors: Martin Schulze Wessel, Peter Haslinger, Joachim von Puttkamer, Dietmar Neutatz, Stefan Troebst and Jörg Baberowski
Editorial and contact: Dr. Arpine Maniero (arpine.manerio[at]

Particularly outstanding masters, doctoral or degree-level projects on subjects relating to Eastern Europe will be issued for the first time as on-line publications in the digital series. Up and coming researchers are thus provided with the opportunity to publish their final theses as part of a series of publications of proven quality that can guarantee their long-term archiving and improved retrievability through the connection with the Bibliotheksverbund Bayern (the Bavarian library network).

The goal of the series is primordially to promote the visibility of papers for academic qualification. A review procedure and set of guidelines will serve both to set down a shared quality benchmark and ensure a consistent visual presentation without requiring extensive post-submission editing. The series will consist of two sub-series containing final theses from a variety of German and Czech universities.

All online publications will be published under the conditions set out for CC Licenses.