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The publications of Collegium Carolinum

One of the main tasks of Collegium Carolinum is to publish the results of research into the Bohemian Lands and Slovakia. The Institute has been publishing such work for several decades in a variety of series and formats, beginning with classic print works. You can find an overview of the series currently published by Collegium Carolinum, as well as stand-alone publications and long-term projects, here. You also have the option of searching through completed series and older handbooks – details on ordering and digital access are given on the relevant volumes.

Journal Bohemia

This magazine publishes the latest research on the culture and history of the Bohemian lands – both in print and online form – twice a year.


Print Publications

The Institute's serial publications, along with its reference works and one-off publications, are first published in classical print form.


Electronic Publishing

Conference proceedings and post-graduate papers are also published originally as electronic publications.


Annual Reports

The Annual Report of Collegium Carolinum provides information on all the activities of the Institute.


Full Catalogue

An overview of all the Institute's publications can be found in our Full Catalogue.